Lowly Leaders Welcome


This past Sunday we served communion at Disciples Church. This worship experience is one that has been celebrated since the Last Supper of Christ as a reminder of the price Jesus paid, illustrating our privilege to connect with Him directly. We take a small piece of bread and [...]

Lowly Leaders Welcome2017-04-30T02:17:22-07:00

Giving & Attendance Trends: Heroin for Church Leaders


As a leader of any sort there are things we measure in the well-intentioned efforts towards illustrating trends. With trends in hand we then evaluate our efforts or the efforts of the project we’re leading. If we are in retail leadership we measure profits, contacts and expenses. If [...]

Giving & Attendance Trends: Heroin for Church Leaders2017-04-30T02:17:27-07:00

The Carpool of Life


Recently I was driving with some of our church leaders and dear friends to an event. We could not all fit in one car and as happens many times in life (at least in America) we found ourselves driving several cars to one destination. Now for those of [...]

The Carpool of Life2017-04-30T02:17:31-07:00

Snow, Sleds and Cynicism


While away on a family vacation this past week Jen and I spent many hours standing together watching our kids play in the snow. They rolled around in it for hours laughing and playing. Yet without fail, the fun was always followed by the cold and wet feeling [...]

Snow, Sleds and Cynicism2017-04-30T02:17:33-07:00

My Bad!


If you've ever played basketball with me you know that I have very little skill. Really the only way I ever even made the team was on what the coach called, "hustle". Coaches used to say, "Streeter's got hustle." Which at the time just seemed like a kind way of [...]

My Bad!2017-04-30T02:17:34-07:00

Raising Resources


There is a saying my cycling coach used to say to me often when I would race foolishly. The saying goes, "You cannot win the race in the first mile, but you can certainly lose the race in the first mile." As it relates to leaders and raising [...]

Raising Resources2017-04-30T02:17:36-07:00

High Mileage Leader


While there is a certain allure to a brand new car, I've never found myself too impressed by those kinds of cars. You aren't either, I bet. Just think of the conversations you have from time to time with a person about their car. You say, "nice car", "thanks", they [...]

High Mileage Leader2017-04-30T02:17:44-07:00
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