During the Spring season of Life Groups we are offering a GriefShare Group that is specifically designed for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. We understand that there are other losses in life that create feelings of grief. You might be experiencing a job loss, a divorce, estrangement from a child, or the loss of friends because of a move. This grief is real, but it is not the kind of grief discussed in GriefShare sessions. We encourage you to ask a pastor, counselor, or church leader for help in finding resources that will be of specific help in your situation. For more information about GriefShare you can visit their website.
We will host an 11 week, in person program, covering 13 sessions. Meetings begin on Monday, February 26th. We welcome Christians and skeptics alike. We believe that, in unique grief experiences, there are common threads which are a starting point to learn how to move forward now that our lives have changed. Grief is normal, takes as long as it takes, and healing is possible.
Visit the GriefShare site to register: Disciples Church GriefShare Group Page
See below for more details on the meeting schedule.