Dan Crouse - October 24, 2021
Let Faith Arise!// Part 1// 2 Samuel 9:1-11
From Series: "Let Faith Arise!"
Sting once wrote in a song: You could say I lost my faith in science and progress You could say I lost my belief in the holy Church You could say I lost my sense of direction You could say all of this and worse, but If I ever lose my faith in you There'd be nothing left for me to do Thankfully we do not live as a people without hope. The apostle Paul once wrote of those we grieve their death, that we do not grieve the same as the world, because we live with hope! Well, if we do not grieve as people without hope, we certainly do not LIVE as people without hope. While we live in a fallen and often broken world what we are called to join God in doing is redemptive, what we hold up or lift to him in sacrificial offering is a beauty that nourishes the world. Faith is what rises from our living on his mission. Let Faith Arise is a series designed to buoy our hope through the reminders of God’s presence with us, his goodness toward us, and his invitation to join with him in redeeming all things. Join us on Sunday at 10AM as we begin this new series.