Stu Streeter - July 18, 2021
Psalms: Return of Shalom//Lectio Divina//Psalm 139
From Series: "Psalms: Return of Shalom"
We hope that you will make plans to join us in-person on Sunday morning as we kick of our summer series in Psalms: When our Triune God created heaven and Earth, he did so in peace. Out of the overflow of his communal joy -- Father, Son, and Spirit-- he longed to share. He couldn’t have felt turmoil when he was inventing plants, whose very exhale would give his masterpiece, humanity, the breath of life. If he is real and good, and we believe he IS, the only plausible driver of all this beautiful creation was, Shalom. Peace was in its reign. And peace was the only existence God had ever known. Of course, peace is found well beyond the creation story. God’s shalom encircled Israel when troubles were just as dramatic and maybe even more fear-inciting than they are now. And yet somehow we read the Psalmists cry out to God, over and over again, and find his peaceful presence to be their portion. That might seem a million miles from your reality these days. In a world thrashing about with crashing waves of fear and overwhelming weight on the shoulders of its best people, we awake from the fog of a year in hiding to find we’re not the only ones whose souls, homes, careers, and kids are in turmoil. But hope arrives in the mighty way of God, as it always does, to bring peace to weary souls. It will require our cooperation with the Holy Spirit to be transformed into the image of Christ, full of trust in God’s way. Join us this summer, for a deep dive into the ways of God that lead us to peaceful waters.