Our Story
Disciples Church began in the early weeks of 2009 as a group of six families gathered in a Cameron Park, CA living room. We prayed and dreamt of a church that passionately pursued two main values:
Helping people far from God nudge closer to Christlikeness in community.
Kingdom eats empire for breakfast.
We set out to start (or continue, really) a church plant in the Sacramento region hoping that Disciples Church would serve as an outpost for skeptics and saints alike, and where hope replaces cynicism and where love overcomes politics and preferences.
Disciples Church Story Videos
One great way to learn more about Disciples Church is to watch these four short videos. These paint the picture of our church – and trust us it’s not been all rainbows and butterflies, but they are sincere, and reflect the four important phases of our story as a community so far: God of the Waiting, God of the Desert, God of Exile, and God of the Promised Land.
We have our doubts about whether people even read these things any more. Our hope is that the only reason we don’t read them is because the reading is so dry that nobody can finish. But that does not mean they are not important. These are the truths that guide us, much more than core values, organizational structure, or mission statements. These are the tenants of the faith, and are much bigger than our little corner of the world.
We believe God now, and always has, existed in three unique expressions: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus is the only way to know God. We believe the Holy Bible is God’s most consistent and available voice into the lives of Christ-followers and Christ investigators.
People often complicate the important things, but Jesus said if you don’t think about the Kingdom of God as simply as a little kid, you won’t get it at all (Mark 10:15). We understand that if you have taken the time to read this page, you hold these tightly; we do as well. So don’t mistake our simple approach or apparent flippancy about hot-button church issues for a lacking “short tether” to the anchors of the Christian faith.
About God
Click here to learn moreAbout God
He is one-of-a-kind…there is no other – he is real.
He exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
He is the creator of all.
He was completely glorious before we told him so.
He is eternal.
He knows everything.
He is everywhere.
He is not loving, He is love (there is a difference).
About Jesus
Click here to learn moreAbout Jesus
He was present at creation, and quite pleased.
He is the Son of God.
He was fully God and fully man.
He was born of the virgin Mary.
He was sinless.
He died on the cross willingly.
He rose from the grave.
About the Holy Spirit
Click here to learn moreAbout the Holy Spirit
The Spirit is Divine.
The Spirit is very active in the lives of Christ-followers.
The Spirit is God’s voice of conviction, judgment, and righteousness regarding sin.
About People
Click here to learn moreAbout People
We are really screwed up.
We are hopeless, on our own, to do good or know God.
We were created in God’s very image.
We are intended to be in relationship with God.
About the Bible
Click here to learn moreAbout the Bible
We, as Christ-followers and as a local church, are under it’s authority.
People have used it to commit atrocities never condoned by God.
It confuses us all the time, and it’s mysteries are healthy for us.
Its central themes are 1) God’s glory, 2) our sin, and 3) God’s story of redemption through Christ.
About Salvation
Click here to learn moreAbout Salvation
God provided for it through Jesus.
It is about way more than a prayer or a t-shirt.
It requires the abandonment of a former life.
About the Church
Click here to learn moreAbout the Church
It is led by imperfect people.
It is the bride of Christ and should be treated as such.
It is messy and full of liars, fakes, and cheats.
It is the greatest hope this world has to meet and live for Christ.
For those of you still reading…
About Beer
Click here to learn moreAbout Beer
It tastes good, especially on tap.
Drinking it in excess or in dangerous company saddens God…just like eating till you’re sick or working till your family forgets you.
About Church Music
Click here to learn moreAbout Church Music
Most of it is poorly written and sung off key, and if it gives God glory it is beautiful.
It does not have to be 300 years old to honor God, and it does not have to be three days old to sound cool.
We think it usually sounds better loud.
It gets way too much attention and argument that ultimately distracts us from our mission.
About Women
Click here to learn moreAbout Women
They are way more than baby factories to God and this church.
Some should lead in the church and some should not (just like men).
About Money
Click here to learn moreAbout Money
Being in love with it is the root of all evil.
The amount of it you give to any given cause is a direct sign of your commitment to that cause, mission, or movement.
If you are a committed part of this community, you will be invited to invest finances generously and regularly out of joy and passion, not guilt or obligation.
We have a long relationship with the Excel Leadership Network and its leaders. We are proud to come under their covering and be connected with churches and pastors all over the U.S. who share similar passion.
The Excel Leadership Network mission is to help church planters and high level leaders excel in their God-given work (Acts 13:1-2). We’re developing a movement in which church planting leaders are reproducing healthy churches.
We are also affiliated with the North American Baptists (NAB) conference. The mission of the NAB is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ at home and internationally.
For more information about our affiliations and accountability, please feel free to contact us!