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You have been created in God’s Image and like Adam and Eve before you, he has entrusted you with part of his creation to steward, govern, and bless! Like Abraham, you are blessed to be a blessing! And like Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, you are God’s masterpiece created in Christ Jesus for good work!

Join the rest of your church family September 24th for a Sunday unlike any we have ever had. We are kicking off a 5-week church-wide initiative designed to help you find your unique personal Kingdom contribution, pray, sharpen attentiveness to God’s voice, dive into scripture, and experience your neighborhood like never before!

It’s called, Making Space, and it could change your life, the lives you’re called to impact, and the life of our church. We hope to see you Sunday September 24th for the kickoff – this will be no normal Sunday morning worship experience. We will have materials for your family, devotional guides, and breakfast will be served. See you then!

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