November Leadership Community Gathering

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

A bi-monthly gathering of Disciples Church volunteers, ministry leaders and staff. We dream, we plan and we discuss how to lead our community of faith in their next steps with Jesus. All are welcome! Dinner and childcare will be provided. When: November 11, 2018 Time: 5:00PM-8:00PM Where: Disciples Church Main [...]

Student Ministries Girls Sleepover

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

Middle and High School girls are invited to a movie night and sleepover with Ellie Spinosi at Disciples Church. Snacks and breakfast will be provided. For more information email

Child Dedications

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

A central practice for centuries in the Christian church is this sacred time of dedicating our kids TO God IN community. Whether you have a tiny infant or a growing school-ager, sign up and invite your family and friends to join us for this special time in service of commitment [...]

Event Series Student Gathering

Student Gathering

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

6th-12th grade students meet every other week in the Youth Auditorium from 12-2PM. For more information email our Student Ministries Director at

Student Ministries Annual Progressive Christmas Dinner

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

All Middle and High School students are invited to join us for our annual Progressive Dinner. We will visit multiple houses for appetizers, dinner, and dessert, and cap off the night with a white elephant gift exchange. For information email

Christmas Eve Service

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

Join us for this year's gathering on Christmas Eve, for a 60 minute time of reflective worship, candle lighting, and reading of the Christmas story together. This gathering will be different than in past years. We truly look forward to spending this hour together as a church family. Let us [...]

HART of Folsom – Winter Shelter

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

Disciples Church is partnering with HART of Folsom to offer temporary, emergency shelter for homeless people in Folsom this winter. We will be hosting the shelter January 20-26. You can find out more information about the winter shelters or HART of Folsom by visiting their website HERE.   There are [...]

January Leadership Community Gathering

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

A bi-monthly gathering of Disciples Church volunteers, ministry leaders and staff. We dream, we plan and we discuss how to lead our community of faith in their next steps with Jesus. All are welcome! Dinner and childcare will be provided. When: January 27, 2019 Time: 5:00PM-8:00PM Where: Disciples Church Main [...]

February Newcomer’s Luncheon

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

Whether you're brand new to Disciples or just looking for your perfect spot to get involved, this is for you! Meet the staff and other newcomers, hear the Disciples story, and take your next steps. Lunch and childcare are provided. Meets in Main Auditorium after church. If you have questions [...]

Student Snow In

Disciples Church Folsom 281 Iron Point Rd #291, Folsom, CA, United States

Join DC Student Ministries for a snow day and sleepover at the church. We will head up to the snow after church and return to Disciples for food, games, and more! The cost is $30 per student. Dinner and breakfast will be included. Questions? Email our Student Ministries Director, Luke [...]
