Spiritual Retreat Fall 2023
October 20, 2023 @ 8:00 pm - October 22, 2023 @ 12:00 pm
Churches have strived for generations to create gatherings that are deeply meaningful for connection with God and others. Most churches anchor their gatherings in songs and sermons, which are beautiful. Most churches have some small group dynamics centered around bible study and community. This too is crucial. However, what about the ancient Christian practices of scripture, silence, solitude, journaling, the offices, and centering prayer?
Join this group of no more than twelve for a weekend along the shores of beautiful Lake Tahoe at Zephyr Point Retreat Center for a full weekend slowing down, attending to your soul, and listening for God.
There are no songs.
There are no sermons.
We dig into our False Selves in search of recapturing our True Selves, which was always designed to know God. We spend several hours in silence and solitude. We have pointed discussions around our attempts to hear God and connect with others. We rest. This weekend aims to connect deeply to one’s own soul and find God’s voice in the midst.
Location: Zephyr Point, South Lake Tahoe
Cost: $375 per person (There is a $50 per person/$100 per couple discount for a shared room – email michelle@disciples.church for the discount code)
Registration Deadline: Sunday, October 8th
Click HERE to register
Scholarships are available if cost is an issue. Please email stu@disciples.church.