The mission of DC kids is to partner with families in new and exciting ways to raise well-adjusted kids who love God and His church. Our Sunday morning program is catered to fostering friendship, biblical understanding, and fun! We hope you will join us so our family can get to know yours.
Current DC kids Environment
Nursery: Infant Space: 8 weeks – walking; Toddler Space: walkers – 3 years
Preschool: 3-5 years
Elementary: Children first through fifth grade will join their parents in the Main Auditorium for the beginning of worship, and will be formally dismissed to their classroom for fellowship, a lesson, games, and prayer.
Nothing is more important to us than the safety and security of your children. That’s why we’ve chosen Planning Center Check Ins to bring you the best experience at check-in and to provide you as parents the ability to act as a team with us to keep them in safe hands. After creating a simple profile on your first visit with us Planning Center provides you and your child with matching tags, insuring your child’s safety as well as giving us a means to contact you discreetly during the adult gathering if you are needed. The whole process takes only a few minutes on your first visit.
Our regular families are encouraged to download and use the Church Center app to check-in on their way to church, scan the barcode when you arrive, and be on your way. Download the app here and watch a short video on how the check-in process works. We also will have a volunteer at the Check-in station each Sunday to help if needed.

Every person serving in DC Kids is there to love children. Each adult volunteer goes through a background check, a training orientation, and is supervised by a ministry leader.
Many children have initial separation anxiety but calm down very quickly. If your child remains upset for longer than 10-15 minutes, we will send you a text message or send someone to get you.
DC kids Health and Wellness Policy: In our DC kids environments, we strive to provide a safe, clean place for all children to play and learn. Please do not drop your child off if in the last 48 hours your child has had:
- A fever,
- Diarrhea/vomiting,
- Persistent Cough,
- Clouded / Colored runny nose,
- Unknown rash,
- Or any illness treated by an antibiotic
Have a child with special needs or want to discuss how we can partner with you further? Our Children’s Ministry Director, Amy Murakami, has a Special Education degree and would love to hear from you. Contact her at amy@disciples.church, or call the church office to set up a meeting at 916-850-5655.
Our nursery children have access to Gerber puffs and oats cereal on a weekly basis. Food is only given with parent permission and can be specified during check in.
Students in preschool and elementary classes have occasional access to snacks like cereal, fruit, and candy. When food is present in the classroom, an “allergy alert” sign will be posted informing parents of the presence of food.
Would you like to discuss anything with our staff? Contact our Children’s Ministry Director, Amy Murakami, at amy@disciples.church, or call the church office to set up a meeting at 916-850-5655.