Life Groups

Life Groups are one of our primary environments for helping each other nudge toward Christlikeness as a kingdom family. We believe that when we meet repeatedly to connect deeply together and study God’s word, transformation is bound to happen.

Our groups all study the same material, last six to ten weeks, then take short, multi-week breaks before the next season kicks off. This gives lots of onramps and off ramps for those ready to check out a group, but nervous about long term commitments.

Our Fall Life Groups begin the week of September 15th and will meet for 10 weeks. Check out the info below to find a group that works for you.

If you are looking for information for our GriefShare group, please visit our GriefShare Page.


Mondays at 6:00PM

This group is led by Amanda McCall and hosted by the Nations at their home in Orangevale. Dinner starts at 6PM and study begins around 6:30PM. Kids are welcome!

Call or text Michelle at 805-886-4957 for more details or sign up online by clicking the link below.


Wednesdays at 6:30PM

This group is hosted and led by Amy & Trevin Murakami at their home in Folsom. Dinner is potluck style and kids are welcome!

Call or text Trevin at 626-378-5062 for more details or sign up online by clicking the link below.


Thursdays at 6:00PM

Hosted and led by Vincent & Paula Hill at their home in Folsom. Dinner is at 6PM and study begins at 6:30PM. Kids are welcome!

Call or text Vincent at 916-747-8580 for more details or sign up online by clicking the link below.

Life Groups Leader Resources

Resources for the Life Group you are leading can be found here.